Dionna McMillian is a Los Angeles based director with twelve years of experience in creating impactful work in film, television and digital media. Her work has received mentions in Voyage L.A. and Forbes. Dionna is best known for her short comedy film, “Love, New York', which was featured on Issa Rae’s Color Creative TV platform in 2017, and screened at multiple film festivals. She also directed the digital series pilot entitled, “The Next Right Thing” and a short film, “Such A Deal,” both licensed for distribution with an emerging streaming platform, A Space for Creators. Additionally, she has directed the first season of “Plant Based By Nafisika” a lifestyle series on A&E s FYI network. She also directed a digital series featuring A-list comedians produced by Steve Harvey Productions. Dionna also works as an adjunct professor. She holds an M.F.A in filmmaking from American University. Dionna has taught domestically and as a guest lecturer abroad. In addition to teaching Dionna currently freelances as an editor and director in Los Angeles