Master's degree in Social Sciences by the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPCIS / UERJ), holds a Specialization in Urban Sociology at UERJ and a degree in Social Sciences at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense - Darcy Ribeiro. He have experience of research in Anthropology and Sociology and acted as UN-HABITAT Brasil consultant for the implementation and coordination of public policies in favelas in the city of Rio de Janeiro. He has created the argument and carried out the research for the documentary 'Manobreiro de Água' and the direction, script and argument of the film 'Intolerâncias da Fé', both produced to Futura Channel. He has directed and written the documentary 'The Sacred within us', 'Keeping our loved ones alive', 'Memories of steel', 'Respect our Sacred' and 'Crossing Memories'. He is executive director of Quiprocó Filmes.