Michelle A. Daniel has over 12 years of film experience. She delivers impactful content, and whether it s a commercial, music video, scripted shows, event video planning, or branded content, she prides herself on how to tell stories. As an award-winning producer, she has led productions to success in some of the most sought-after film festivals included American Black Film Festival (ABFF) and BronzeLens Festival. From writing and development to production and distribution for TV, she focuses on creating inspiring visuals. Some of her credits include Young & Married (Short Form, Executive Producer); I Am Not Charlotte (Short Film, Executive Producer); Build A Boon(Short Form, Executive Producer). In the digital sector, Michelle has Executive Produced Bossip s Mukbang, Headline Heat, AT&T and iOne Digital s Creative Class, and MadameNoire s In This Room, to name a few!