Ron Duncan embarked on his career at MTV Networks in New York City, eventually progressing to produce multiple episodes of MTV's influential Hip-Hop show, YO! MTV RAPS. Additionally, he helmed a half-hour special for HBO featuring Mary J. Blige and undertook various promotional projects for the network. Ron pursued film production studies at THE NEW SCHOOL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH in New York, where he also wrote and directed several short films. Among these, 'RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT,' a surreal fantasy drama, garnered recognition as the best short narrative from THE BRONX COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Furthermore, the short script earned finalist status in The Pan African Film Festival for John Singleton’s Embrace L.A. Short Writing Competition. Currently residing in Los Angeles, Ron wrote and directed the short film 'THE HIP-HOP KID,' a vibrant coming-of-age narrative about a spirited teenager aspiring to become a hip-hop rap star and seeking mentorship from a washed-up old-school hip-hop icon. This work received acclaim from New York City’s esteemed Hip-Hop Film Festival, securing nominations for best short film and best cinematography. Recently, Ron crafted an eight-episode musical podcast titled 'EGO SYSTEM' for Audio-Up Media/SiriusXM, chronicling the downfall and redemption journey of a hip-hop star following a debilitating car accident that leaves him with Locked-in syndrome and leads to the collapse of his million-dollar empire. Presently, Ron is in the process of producing 'CROSSOVER X,' a feature-length basketball drama that he penned, collaborating with Academy Award-winning writer/producer/director, William Monahan. Currently, Ron is engaged in writing for the highly-rated FOX television series '9-1-1,' produced by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear, contributing to story development in close collaboration with the writing team and producers.