The Value of Ex is a romantic comedy web series following the misadventures of four friends as they struggle to navigate the murky waters between breaking up and moving on. When forced into compromising situations with their exes, the ladies must determine what, if any, value these men have in their lives. Brynne, the overly analytical math teacher, finds herself emotionally conflicted when her ex Christopher, who left her at the altar, returns months before she is about to get married. Tyler, the no nonsense corporate diva, has put her love life on the back burner in favor of her career goals, but her old wounds are opened when she loses her promotion to the only man who ever broke her heart. Jessica is a sassy, self-centered physical therapist who wants to start her own practice, but is forced to live with her ex when she is evicted. Anglela, the relationship therapist who finds it difficult to take her own advice, struggles to stay professional when her ex husband seeks her out for therapy to help him with his new fiancé. In season two, as Brynne’s wedding day grows closer, the stakes are raised. In the midst of budding, new relationships, challenges at work and home, each ex couple must confront their feelings and ultimately decide whether to give past love another chance or move on once and for all. Each of the ladies must finally solve for The Value of Ex.